Multilingual Kamishibai Competition comes in answer to these questions offering educators and children a creative and innovative project open to the diversity of languages: each group creates a multilingual story (using at least four languages) according to the kamishibai format.
Whether they participate as authors or spectators, pupils develop literacy skills: through the exploration of languages, they become aware of different ways to write and pronounce words throughout the world. Multilingual kamishibais help children develop their writing and reading skills in the language of the school as well as in other lesser known languages.
A multilingual kamishibai is the result of a collaboration between peers. Children cooperate to come up with a story sharing all their language skills. They are then recognized as experts of their languages. As a storytelling form, multilingual kamishibais encourage children to speak up and perform in the language of the school and in other languages that are new to them or known from their own family background.
Multilingual kamishibais may be used at all levels from nursery to schools, in libraries, community or youth centres, by educators, social workers, speech therapists or other carers.
First introduced by Dulala association in 2015, Multilingual Kamishibai Competition has seen more than 20000 children and professionals create their own kamishibais using a variety of languages.
Today, competitions are hosted in many areas of the world: Europe, West Africa, North America and Asia.
Click here to find out about these competitions.
If you would like to join the movement and host a competition in your area, answer this call for proposal!
This project is supported by:

The benefits of plurilingual kamishibaïs, by Jean-François de Pietro