AEFE ZENOS (North West Europe and Scandinavia zone)

This contest is organized by the AEFE Zone North West Europe and Scandinavia for high schools and schools with a French program in order to encourage educational actors to develop projects open to the diversity of languages through the creation of a multilingual kamishibaï board.
Ma statue
[Prix 6-10 ans] par les élèves de CE1 de l'école Londres - Malraux
126416,76 ko , Français2023/2024, 6-to-10-year-olds, AEFE Zenos, Europe, Francophone -
Roumi le voyageur
[3-6ans] Lauréat du concours organisé par la Zone AEFE Europe du Nord Ouest et Scandinave
5864,8 ko , Français2022/2023, 3-to-6-year-olds, Europe, Francophone
Kit de participation au concours
Informations pratiques
Conditions d'accès au concours
The competition is open to all classes of the AEFE ZENOS network (North-West Europe and Scandinavia) from 3 to 15 years old (nursery and elementary schools and middle schools).
The children must be at the heart of the creative process, under the direction of the educational structure.
Each participating group or class will submit a kamishibaï.
Three meetings will take place during the year to accompany the teams in the realization of their kamishibaï project.
Date d'inscription :
Soumettre le projet :
before May 22, 2025 (refer to the submission guidelines in the contest regulations)
Publication des lauréats :
Ma statue
[Prix 6-10 ans] par les élèves de CE1 de l'école Londres - Malraux
126416,76 ko , Français2023/2024, 6-to-10-year-olds, AEFE Zenos, Europe, Francophone -
Roumi le voyageur
[3-6ans] Lauréat du concours organisé par la Zone AEFE Europe du Nord Ouest et Scandinave
5864,8 ko , Français2022/2023, 3-to-6-year-olds, Europe, Francophone