AEFE Africa area

Woezon [1] in a project that will allow you to continue to recognize and value the linguistic and cultural knowledge of your students!
With the support and expertise of Dulala, the AEFE’s Central African Inspectorate is joining the Kamilala community and setting up a multilingual kamishibai competition project. It will allow to continue the recognition and valorization of the linguistic and cultural knowledge of your students. The goal is to bring knowledge on language and to make more visible and more legitimate any known or unknown language, by developing plurilingual skills.
This valorisation of plurilingualism and this opening to the world, seem to us important to develop, and this all the more, as they facilitate the learning of those who learn French as a language of schooling.
We hope that many of you will participate in this project, which aims to promote the languages and cultures of your students and their families.
Médaase ! [2] ; A mun klwa ! [3] ; Na gode ! [4] ;
[1] “Welcome” in Ewe
[2] [3] [4] “Thank you” in Twi, Baoulé and Haoussa respectively.
L’aventure en couleur
[Prix 6-10 ans] par les élèves de la classe CE2 de l'école Dominique Savio de Douala
6956,72 ko , Français2023/2024, 6-to-10-year-olds, AEFE Africa area, Francophone -
Où est la neige ?
[3-6ans] Par les élèves de l'école Charles de Gaulle- Lomé
7665,71 ko , Français2022/2023, 3-to-6-year-olds, Francophone
Kit de participation au concours
Informations pratiques
Conditions d'accès au concours
The contest is open to elementary school teachers.
Date d'inscription :
Soumettre le projet :
Before May 5, 2025.
Publication des lauréats :
L’aventure en couleur
[Prix 6-10 ans] par les élèves de la classe CE2 de l'école Dominique Savio de Douala
6956,72 ko , Français2023/2024, 6-to-10-year-olds, AEFE Africa area, Francophone -
Où est la neige ?
[3-6ans] Par les élèves de l'école Charles de Gaulle- Lomé
7665,71 ko , Français2022/2023, 3-to-6-year-olds, Francophone