ELODIL QuébecCanada
ELODiL is a research group based in Quebec (Canada), Montreal University, and directed by Professor Françoise Armand. ELODiL is committed to promote linguistic and cultural diversity in primary and secondary schools in the region of Quebec. Since the beginning of the 2000s, several action research projects have been led, funded by the government (FRQ-SC, MEES). In partnership with French-medium primary and secondary schools in Québec, ELODiL offers pupils the opportunity to take part in Kamilala Multilingual Kamishibai Competition.
Voir tous les lauréats de ELODIL QuébecKit de participation au concours
Informations pratiques
Conditions d'accès au concours
Les écoles francophones du Québec au préscolaire, au primaire et au secondaire
Date d'inscription :
Soumettre le projet :
A digital version of your kamishibai must be e-mailed to ELODiL by April 12, 2024.
Publication des lauréats :